On 22-24 Macrh 2016, UCT Law Faculty in conjunction with the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability and the Wayamo Foundation hosted an International Symposium on African justice mechanisms and their interplay with the International Criminal Court.
The keynote address was given by Judge Silvia Fernandez de Gurmendi, President of the ICC.
Speakers included, amongst others, Navi Pillay (Former UN Commissioner for Human Rights), Richard Goldstone (Former Chief Prosecutor of the United Nations International Tribunal for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia), Max Du Plessis (Associate Professor, University of KZN & Advocate of the High Court of SA) and Patryk I Labuda (Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law & Human Rights).

Discussing whether the destruction of information silos within national governments is necessarily a good thing when it comes to addressing national versus transnational crimes. Problems of state capture of institutions such as the Hawks.
Panel discussions included: ‘Africa & the ICC: Misperceptions & realities’; ‘African courts & international crime divisions’; ‘Human rights in Africa: Progress & realisation’; ‘Victims & reparations’ and perhaps most topically, ‘Immunity of Heads of State under International Law’ (the recent Al-Bashir saga was discussed).